This week in my class, I observed the math class (block) and it really is starting to click with me that we have a limited time to deliver all the content required by the State and National standards. My Math CE moves incredibly fast through content and it is hard even for me to keep up. A lot of her instruction is direct and a lot of the student's practice is independent. As a student teacher, I plan to hopefully incorporate a more PBL approach and visual/hands on style of instruction. How do we do this? That is what I have asked my Math CE, my main CE and myself. I have been chipping away at my LE1 and LE2 for a few weeks...when I am in the class, I will have a very limited time to prep for lessons and or extra instruction or facilitation of learning. Add to that the demands of the job (parents, behavior issues, bumps on the head, administration, home life...) and you could set yourself up for disaster if you are not proactive! So how the heck do we incorporate all or any of the new types of learning and teaching into our classrooms?
PBL: Project Based Learning (or Problem Based Learning there is a distinction) are two ways in which we can elevate our practice and encourage students to go beyond what a normal lesson may provide. With any new tactic, the main thing to remember I have found, is to decide what the purpose is. If you are using technology (laptops, iPads, assessment tools, games) what is the purpose? Is the technology or the PBL facilitating the content or is it just something fun that students are not learning from? One of the points in an article I read from Teach Thought stated: " Ideally we’re looking for them to articulate that connection between their work and the authentic purpose and audience. It’s that kind of grounding that allows teachers to leverage thinking and learning toward craftsmanship by returning to the question of how well the work is meeting the needs of the audience and the purpose of the project." (teachthought) So how are we teaching the content and how are the students connecting and learning the content? Does it have a purpose?
So we have purpose in place, now how do we create space to use our new method? My goals and my thoughts as of right now are to try some new things during Student Teaching. It will be a good opportunity to see what works for me personally and what works for the students mainly. I feel that if you plan (work your butt off) ahead a time it is possible. Also, just implementing one thing at a time. I don't expect to go in there and break out Kahoot, iPads, Google Glasses and Maker Spaces and go to town. First, that would be very hard and second, I haven't developed the purpose for these things. I do plan on using these tools eventually, but starting with one thing at a time seems to be the best way. You will always have stipulations: Money, Administration, parents, other teachers to deal with, but like I said, I feel gradually you can make use of these things. Another factor to consider is how much time you will have with the entire class. There are many disruptions throughout the day: students going to resource teachers, early dismissal, behavior. So you have to consider these things as well. And what are you going to do when all of that hard work you put into your lesson is not as smooth as you would like?
I relate this to NCPTS:
IVa •
This is not the only one from Standard 4, but the most encompassing one. All of them are important however. Here is the link if you want to review.
But I can see how important it is for us to understand all the needs of our class in order to be able to use these tools. Sometimes, simple direct instruction is needed. Sometimes we will need to create a fun/engaging method to improve their metacognition. At all times however, we need to create an environment for deeper thinking and learning. With all the factors and life matters to consider, we should always be aware of how and what the students are learning. I hope this all makes sense. I don't have the answer, but I am learning a lot about how to better myself as a teacher and my future classroom for learning. Our plans will not always go the way we hoped, but if we are cognizant of student's needs and our abilities to use different tools, we can better serve our classroom and our students.