Saturday, September 30, 2017

Blog #5

Week Of Friday:  SEPTEMBER: 22
Level of Difficulty: 4

We had a sub on Tuesday so I didn’t skip a beat.  I made sure that everything was in order and she was able to help me with a few behavior issues and also helped to mediate stations. I am out of the first block so I could teach math, but second block I stay the entire time. It was the closest I have been so far to having my own room.  Though my CE lets me learn a lot on my own running things, it was cool knowing that I CAN do this.  

Some things that I know I need work on would be delivery, cadence and classroom management AGAIN! I know, but I have good days and bad BUT I am learning to develop my teacher voice and getting through to my students who have issues with behavior, following directions and staying on task.  I will begin to incorporating a behavior contract with a few students this week.

This week I am continuing to focus on being fluent with my instruction, being clear and being concise. I believe the way you speak to students really helps them engage and understand what you are saying.  Sometimes you may have trouble saying what you want to say and that is ok.  But how you recover is crucial. It there is ANY misconceptions you must address them then instead of waiting. It is better to go ahead and make sure everyone is tracking.

Another continuous focus I am working on is transitions. Making sure students are preped and ready to work as well as when we switch classes or between station time and lesson segments. This helps provide the BEST environment for students to learn. It irks me when I have allowed students to not be focused for more than 5 minutes. EVERY second counts! Not that they should be robots and FORCED to listen to us, but the more time it takes to focus, the less free time they will have throughout the day when they could be doing things THEY want to do.

Be Productive
Spending the day at Gardner Webb Friday. Working on EdTPA writing so that I can get ahead. Almost finished with edTPA!!!!!

Have Courage
This weeks courage is to PASS edTPA. Also I am beginning the week with a new vigor and goal to develop my teaching style a bit more. I think sometimes I am so engrossed in everything around me I feel stiff and boring but the students give me feedback by their yawns and seem unengaged at times. It is important to be ourselves, but I feel I have a fun personality so I want it to show more this week. I will focus my lessons and design in more engaging direction. Students need to move and experience education as opposed to sitting in desks and listening. We are trying to develop more team designed activities and practice. Engagement in learning is one of the BEST ways for students to learn as we all know, so that’s my goal!!

Begin Anew
See the paragraph above.  My CE is also allowing to try some more things to incorporate into my lessons that I have created.  This is the best way and time for me to try some things, see how they work with my students and see how to appropriately plan for them to see them through. Sometimes I have tried things with students and they didn’t go as well because I didn’t model enough, didn’t appropriate plan, or they just were not effective.

We have been using data from iReady as well as formative assessments to drive our small groups. We either focus on specific skills that need to be addressed (phonics, fluency, vocabulary etc….yes even 5th graders can improve on these literacy goals).  We are also trying to nudge those who have potential to grow.

Don’t give up. Think through every lesson and make sure it is not just a delivery dump of information. Build in practice that is meaningful, engage students and be mindful of each type of learner. Differentiate as much as possible and keep good notes of learning progress.  STAY ORGANIZED!

Standard 4:B: Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students
I continue to strive to strengthen this area of my weeks. Again, I want to be effective as an educator most of all and above all else. I don’t want any student to be confused as much as possible.

Goals for the week:: Complete EdTPA, work on pacing, start a behavior contract with one of my students for Portfolio and find my teacher voice/personality.  Hope everyone has a great week!!

Friday, September 22, 2017

Blog 4

Week Of Friday:  SEPTEMBER: 22


Level of Difficulty: 4

One thing I really tried to observe is how well I lead students through each lesson. One thing I have struggled with is pacing and sequence. I really need to develop more as an efficient and thorough facilitator. An example is the order in which I let the lesson unfold, how I decide to tweak the lesson depending on the response/understanding (are the students ready to try it independently or do they need more direct instruction?) or how I walk students through each segment of the lesson.  This is an ongoing skill I am working on.

This wasn’t my strongest week at all. It just seemed off.  I looked at all the video to see what the issue was. Part was behavior, part was my instruction methods and some of it was just confidence.  I don’t know why. I have been really comfortable in the classroom. My goal for next week is to simply be better.

This next week, focus is going to be on Math EdTPA and developing lessons for guided reading.

Be Productive
Continue to progress, continue to be prepared each day, and continue to develop my craft!

Have Courage
Having courage to get through edTPA :)  

Begin Anew
I will continue to work on management of students. I also am working on being a more effective instructor. I sometimes feel students are not following along or are lost. Sometimes that is because they are exhausted, sometimes they are just quiet (not when I want them to be though haha!!) I have explained to them that it is important for me to get feedback from them because if they are not answering or participating, I assume they understand.  Plus I am trying to get them to work as a team. The more engaging the lesson though, they certainly participate more.  I have also noticed if they are able to discuss as a group first, they are more likely to respond when I review with them.   
We continue to learn more and more about our students! During our PLC meetings, we are using the data from iReady (a diagnostic software our district uses for Reading comp) to drive our remediation block. Now we can target SPECIFIC areas of weakness that students are having.  We have developed groups and now we can create (and HAVE created) lessons to address these students during that block.  This is so much better than throwing a dart at a dartboard and hoping whatever we use to teach will work. (not that we do that, but you know what I mean)
Know your content. Even if you already do, READ over your book or reading passages for that day, read over you notes, make a list of points to hit and know exactly what you are going to do. Our CEs are pros and they could do this with their eyes closed.  We are still learning so every advantage we can take to make our instruction time better we need to.

Standard 1 1A: Teachers lead in their classrooms
This week I have started being more “in charge” when correcting students and directing them. 5th graders are still very dependent on direction, but they are able to become more independent throughout the year. You HAVE to be as consistent as you are with any age.  You also have to follow through if you give them a consequence for their action.  I am fortunate that I have some great students to work with, but I still have to let them know I am in charge JUST as much as my CE.  

Standard 2: Teacher creates a safe and loving environment for their students.
Each week it seems I find that “one” student that needs an adult to take the time to listen. One of my favorites (they are all my favorites) explained her dog was dying and they had to put it to sleep yesterday. She ACTED like she needed help with her work.  When I came over she started telling me about her dog. I took the 3 minutes out of what I was doing to listen and express my condolences. These little moments, TO ME are a huge part of why I wanted to become a teacher. OF course you have those students who complain about a snowflake hitting their hair, but they need that assurance as well that you care and that you will listen….just make sure it is not a distraction tactic. But it is still good to be cognisant of these situations.

Standard 3: Teachers know the content they teach in the classroom
I am constantly learning how to instruct better.  Knowing different methods, strategies and techniques really helps. Knowing content is imperative to instruction. I have purchased a few books and read several blogs. It seems explaining the content in a way that is clear to students is the task at hand. We know the content but conveying is the difficult task but it is doable.

Standard 4:B: Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students
As we continue to use our iReady data, we continue to develop instruction that is effective and specific. For whole group, we continue to look at what the learning objective is and work the lessons around that. This is one thing I am very mindful of and something I REALLY want to get better at. Some veterans I work with have such a great handle on this and can manage this area with their eyes closed. I hope to reach that status one day.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Week 3 Blog

Week Of Friday:  SEPTEMBER: 15

Level of Difficulty: 4

One thing I have observed this week is the power of personality. Now, I feel I have a good personality. I am always and have ALWAYS been a jokester. It has been hard for me to balance the teacher glare and the humor that is within me. But I have put more emphasis on my personality and tried to be more comfortable and confident in the classroom. It has made a huge difference on attentiveness of my students and helped me to be a better speaker...I think.  Now I still am able to manage my classroom and deter distractions throughout the day and the lesson, but I feel the kids trust me more and are more likely to follow directions for me now.  We will see.

One positive thing I have done this week is take more initiative.  My CE has noticed as well.  She is always fine with me trying new things and taking responsibility and is always there to help me if I fail.  She encourages me to get back in there and try it another way.  This is very important for all teachers but especially student teachers.

This week I am focusing again on being a better instructor and thorough in my teaching. All of the other puzzle pieces are coming together, but I feel I can be better at making sure students are picking up on my teaching.  This is huge as we all know.  So I am practicing more, thinking through what I am going to say, making notes and consulting with my CE in the afternoons.  Recordings are a big help as well.  This is certainly a craft!

Be Productive
My main focus over the next three weeks is nailing the edTPA lessons and gathering all the information I need for that. I am staying on task with lesson planning as well so that I can rest on the weekends….at least for an hour or two.

Have Courage
Continuing to have courage to try new things, take responsibility and handle tough situations by myself.  We won’t always have the safety net of our CE so we HAVE to develop these critical thinking skills as a teacher.  

Begin Anew
We just started Genius hour today so that is a new venture we are working on for the next 9 weeks.  Students will pick an area that interests them and become a “genius” by researching, developing and producing a product that showcases what they know about the topic. They will have a guiding question and it must be something that can’t ONLY be explained by using Google to look it up. They will use our Technology block once a week to discover and create whatever they choose.  It could be how to make a video game or code, one student wants to learn about Wars and why they start, one student wants to know how to create a new food.  It is really limitless.  But they will research, write, create, and or present their new knowledge at the end of the 9 weeks.

We are finally finished with our reading assessments.  We are creating reading groups to work with during station time and will begin planning activities and lessons next week. I am also learning more about how data drives instruction and how my team works that out.

Student teachers: Build a great PLN, stay organized and don’t give up.  There is a lot to this, but you can do it!

Standard 1 1A: Teachers lead in their classrooms
This week: Stepping up and taking ownership of the class. When they need to switch, when it’s time for lunch, when there is an announcement, when they are getting too loud, that’s all me.

Standard 2: Teacher creates a safe and loving environment for their students.
I have learned a lot about the lives some of our students have.  Some/most are just fine, but some have rough situations. It is important to really take interest in them and show you care. Don’t be fake, but go out of your way to just ask them how their week is going or how their afternoon the day before was.  You will learn a lot. Even the ones you have to get on to all the time.

Standard 3: Teachers know the content they teach in the classroom
Nothing is more embarrassing than standing up there and fumbling your words. KNOW what you are going to say, how you are going to say it and how to flow.  This is crucial to being a great teacher!!!

Standard 4:B: Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students
I have worked very much on making sure my CE is ok with the content.  We have planned a lot together because she knows what works the best.  We have every minute planned out to the dot and back ups are in place. We have a great group of students!!!

Standard 5: Teacher Reflect on their Practice
I still have a lot to grow in, but I was reminded my Dr. Wesson this week that I HAVE grown a lot and to keep getting better. This week I have started giving my CE a list of goals I have to work toward so that she doesn’t feel bad when she critiques me.  She is super nice.  This way, I can see if I am progressing and I am accountable.  Dr. Parker suggested this to me before and I think it is a great method for feedback.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Blog #2 Making a Difference

Week Of Friday, September 8th, 2017

Level of Difficulty:

This week I have started to take over a little more responsibility within the classroom setting. I am still observing and taking notes from my CE and seeing all the details that go into her teaching and facilitating. This last week was a great example for me to follow and I will continue to build upon that as I move forward.

After Boot camp and school this week, I have really thought even more about how to be intentional with my lessons and my class time. I know this is always being taught to us, but when you really experience the classroom, it makes way more sense and my goal for the rest of the year is really develop my lesson plans with clear, effective and researched based content so that I can be the best teacher possible.

This weeks focus as well as the next few weeks will be on edTPA. I feel that once we are through the process of teaching and writing these plans and submit the final product we will be able to focus our full attention on becoming better teachers. Not that this isn’t going to make us look at instruction and data more carefully, but it is only one part of being a teacher.

I also want to focus on being better at voice inflection and lesson delivery. I am a little bit boring as I look back at my videos from the week. Getting students attention and eye contact assures me that they are listening and paying attention.  Last week, I created a Google form interest survey and I have been asking students what they like and how they learn the best.  This will help me create more interesting lessons and differentiating to meet the needs of all our students.  If they are not interested, they are not going to retain information or care about what they are doing.

Be Productive
OK….I have purchased a new binder, notebook and planner. This is going to help me be more organized. I have a folder labeled for each subject, EdTPA, and all the standards. I will be collecting each paper/worksample for each lesson (1. So if I need to make a quick copy for a student I can, and 2. So I will have a surplus to choose from when I get hired.)  I will also add notes or important reminders that I need to do my best work possible.  For the edTPA folder section, I will keep all of my paper samples from my 3 focus students.

I am not lying when I say I am very unorganized.  I am good at organizing, but sustaining and maintaining is the hard part for me!  My CE has really helped me by giving me advice and also having a back up plan.  She said not to worry because we will get through it all, but I said it is something I need to learn because I will be on my own soon.  She is very encouraging however.

The other thing I am staying on top of is lesson plans and Unit plans. Each day will be planned and I will be ready.

Have Courage
My courage for the week is to continue to be confident in my ability and to try new things. Creating content/learning segments/tech-tool integration is fun but you have to make sure you try it out first before bringing it in. You also have to make sure it is relevant.  But NOW is a great time to try it out and see what works for you and what students like. That way when we have our own classroom, we will have a toolbox of ideas and lessons to use.

Begin Anew
Begin taking over responsibility and strengthening my teacher voice!

We have PLC meeting every Tuesday after lunch. This is a great way for me to really see HOW teachers use data to drive instruction.  Our school uses a program called iReady which tracks math and ELA in a nice, detailed and informative package! Today we learned how to add lessons to individual students based on their diagnostic exams. This is a great tool for differentiation. It is not meant to take the place of a teacher, but it is used to assist the teacher and give students practice developing and improving their skills.

For edTPA I think it will be a great resource for the WHY for our lesson progressions and how we instruct. It shows if they are at, below or above grade level and what specific areas they are struggling with.

I have said it before, but understanding how to write solid lesson plans is important to your success as an educator. It is very difficult to write one lesson for every student, but you can add in sections and tweaks in your lessons that help all learners learn. That doesn’t mean every time you will get it right and it doesn’t mean that they will all learn at the same time. Knowing when to add additional support and practice will allow you to be more flexible in your lessons and help students. Another good habit to get into is write notes throughout the day about things you observe.  Ex--- (-Jimmy learns best when he is working with a group SOLUTION: Be sure to make small group activities a norm for lessons.. -Anna has a hard time following along if she is in the back of the room. SOLUTION: Mover her to the front. Etc……

Standard 1 1A: Teachers lead in their classrooms

Standard 2: Teacher creates a safe and loving environment for their students.
Learned all names for the most part and I am sure to call them by the name they prefer. I have let students know that I love to laugh and be silly, but when I am teaching or when we are in the halls I am all business.  This has helped me as well as them because I have a hard time not making people laugh occasionally, but I also think it is hard for students to decipher if I am in charge or “one of them”. My CE has really done a great job of helping me establish that I am a teacher just as much as she is.

Standard 3: Teachers know the content they teach in the classroom
This week we are finishing up Scientific Method and one lesson I will lead this week is on surface tension. We are conducting an experiment to see how many water drops will fit onto a penny before rolling off. The main concept is Scientific Method but I will also be teaching about how surface tension causes the water to build up before falling off the penny

Standard 4:B: Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students
Using the data from PLC meetings and from pre assessments this week, we have moved right along with lesson planning. Our two ELA groups are pretty divided (AIG heavy for group 1 and EC/grade level students in the other block. This is because of how our resource teachers’ schedules are. My CE and I are always thinking ahead in our plans and also planning for other unexpected circumstances etc…  I think using the data from the interest survey has really helped me know my students a little better as well as working with them this past week to see what their strengths and weaknesses are academically AND personally.

Standard 5: Teacher Reflect on their Practice
Again, always reflecting. I have learned a lot since last semester and continue to learn how I can improve on many levels. I.E.:  Knowing how to transition, remembering every detail to describe what students are to do, reminding them of expectations (behaviorally, content, and how they treat others...especially the teachers :)  )  I know I still have a lot to grow in, but I know that the more I develop good habits personally, organizationally, I will get better at everything.