Week Of Friday: SEPTEMBER: 22
Level of Difficulty: 4
We had a sub on Tuesday so I didn’t skip a beat. I made sure that everything was in order and she was able to help me with a few behavior issues and also helped to mediate stations. I am out of the first block so I could teach math, but second block I stay the entire time. It was the closest I have been so far to having my own room. Though my CE lets me learn a lot on my own running things, it was cool knowing that I CAN do this.
Some things that I know I need work on would be delivery, cadence and classroom management AGAIN! I know, but I have good days and bad BUT I am learning to develop my teacher voice and getting through to my students who have issues with behavior, following directions and staying on task. I will begin to incorporating a behavior contract with a few students this week.
This week I am continuing to focus on being fluent with my instruction, being clear and being concise. I believe the way you speak to students really helps them engage and understand what you are saying. Sometimes you may have trouble saying what you want to say and that is ok. But how you recover is crucial. It there is ANY misconceptions you must address them then instead of waiting. It is better to go ahead and make sure everyone is tracking.
Another continuous focus I am working on is transitions. Making sure students are preped and ready to work as well as when we switch classes or between station time and lesson segments. This helps provide the BEST environment for students to learn. It irks me when I have allowed students to not be focused for more than 5 minutes. EVERY second counts! Not that they should be robots and FORCED to listen to us, but the more time it takes to focus, the less free time they will have throughout the day when they could be doing things THEY want to do.
Be Productive
Spending the day at Gardner Webb Friday. Working on EdTPA writing so that I can get ahead. Almost finished with edTPA!!!!!
Have Courage
This weeks courage is to PASS edTPA. Also I am beginning the week with a new vigor and goal to develop my teaching style a bit more. I think sometimes I am so engrossed in everything around me I feel stiff and boring but the students give me feedback by their yawns and seem unengaged at times. It is important to be ourselves, but I feel I have a fun personality so I want it to show more this week. I will focus my lessons and design in more engaging direction. Students need to move and experience education as opposed to sitting in desks and listening. We are trying to develop more team designed activities and practice. Engagement in learning is one of the BEST ways for students to learn as we all know, so that’s my goal!!
Begin Anew
See the paragraph above. My CE is also allowing to try some more things to incorporate into my lessons that I have created. This is the best way and time for me to try some things, see how they work with my students and see how to appropriately plan for them to see them through. Sometimes I have tried things with students and they didn’t go as well because I didn’t model enough, didn’t appropriate plan, or they just were not effective.
We have been using data from iReady as well as formative assessments to drive our small groups. We either focus on specific skills that need to be addressed (phonics, fluency, vocabulary etc….yes even 5th graders can improve on these literacy goals). We are also trying to nudge those who have potential to grow.
Don’t give up. Think through every lesson and make sure it is not just a delivery dump of information. Build in practice that is meaningful, engage students and be mindful of each type of learner. Differentiate as much as possible and keep good notes of learning progress. STAY ORGANIZED!
Standard 4:B: Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students
I continue to strive to strengthen this area of my weeks. Again, I want to be effective as an educator most of all and above all else. I don’t want any student to be confused as much as possible.
Goals for the week:: Complete EdTPA, work on pacing, start a behavior contract with one of my students for Portfolio and find my teacher voice/personality. Hope everyone has a great week!!