Saturday, February 2, 2019

That Really Grinds My Geeeeeahs!

‪Teaching is a struggle at times. There are negative things and positive things. I don’t discount any of them but allow them to shape my philosophy and beliefs in this gig. Coming into teaching at almost 40 I already have a little work and life experience to keep me grounded. I am amazed at some things in education, both in positive and negative ways.

I don’t understand some new teacher programs or what is the norm etc. I think admin tries their best but I didn’t think it is always productive or helpful. It is a whirlwind for sure and any help is nice but looking at it from my view ..... ‬‪I don’t see it benefiting to the craft. I know there is stress from admins side and our side as teachers but we HAVE to meet in the middle. What worked for a teacher for the last 30 yrs doesn’t bit always translate to our students currently.

I feel new teachers should be able ‬‪to talk to that teacher in a way that is productive. But most feel they have no voice because they are afraid of confrontation (different personalities and honestly, genders). This is not always ideal and I see why a lot of teachers quit or move on. I love the profession however and would not want to quit,though there are plenty of options out there. I am by no means a master teacher, obviously, but I don’t see the point of some things in this arena. ‬‪Maybe I will one day who knows.

Point is in all work forces there are people who will be negative whether or purpose or unintentionally. I say just chat with them first and see where they are coming from. Maybe come to a common ground. Or maybe agree to disagree. ‬New teacher you worked hard to get where you are. Don’t let negativity squash your creativity. Take all criticisms and allow them to develop you one way or another. You do have a lock on your door as well that is an option.