Week Of Friday Feb 17th, 2017
Level of Difficulty: The most so far
Wow! What a week. This has definitely been a turning point in my student teaching experience. In my life, I have always believed that when something is difficult and seemingly impossible, it is a sure sign that I need to push through it to conquer that difficulty. When you come to a roadblock or “speed bump” (that sounds better), you can either stop, turn around and go back from where you came OR you can make a new path to get to the place you want to go. Without going into detail, I had that choice to make this week. Fortunately, with the help and support of everyone around me, ESPECIALLY my Supervisor, I feel stronger and more confident in my direction. I am by NO means out of the red in my mind, but I am moving full speed ahead to where I WANT to be. All that to say I am ready to finish student teaching strong!
I have really had to get my lesson planning nailed down this week so that has been top priority. I created a lesson, my plan was to tie in Health, fractions and real world application to, let’s just call it “The Smoothie Project”. The concept for learning was to have students cut up bananas and strawberries into fractions modeling equivalency. It really didn’t go as I expected. It was a great idea and full of potential, but all of us agreed it needs to be totally reworked to be an effective lesson for the next go round. I knew better. I didn’t plan well. All of the knowledge I have about instruction, class management and content was a 1-2 out of 10. I totally dropped the ball. But like I said earlier this will be my motivating force for the rest of the semester and into my career.
I am being fully transparent not to complain or ask for sympathy, but for future teachers to know how important this time really is and to clear my chest and my heart.
This weekends focus is to build a SOLID foundation, to gain momentum and to really develop my teacher voice. Planning is priority!!! I have really had to think through each day because Math class (separate from my homeroom) is a little different and I want to show my CEs that I am committed to perfecting my planning. I am not concerned about the FLASH of my lessons, but more about the effectiveness and thoroughness of my plans. As Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers once said: “All flash and no smash is not a sign of proficiency” (yes I have a weird source of life coaching sometimes! )
Be Productive
Short and simple: Be productive! Lessons, Materials, using ALL my resources and getting that decompression time is CRUCIAL if I am going to survive and thrive in this!
Have Courage
I need lots of courage this next week, but really, I feel that I have already established a good foot hold. I have played music in front of 2000 people before, I have spoke in front of GWU professors before, I have left my PAYING job to work my tail off for NO money even though I have a family and bills to pay. (I DO NOT say this to brag) I say all of this to say: Teaching students is a little intimidating when you are in the lead and responsible for all aspects of the classroom. But I CAN do this.
Begin Anew
My new outlook is one of refresh, reboot, start over. I really started this Thursday, but Monday of next week will be the true beginning of a new start. I will be better prepared, stronger, more confident and establish that I am IN THIS! :) Am I gonna be perfect? No one is. Am I going to have my crap together? Definitely. Am I going to be working toward proficiency? Absolutely!! AM I GONNA ASK QUESTIONS? YES! Just not the day of instruction. PROACTIVE is the word of the month!!
Monday this week I was able to experience “Data Dives” which is a time that GL Ts come together and review the previous quarters and the progress we have made. The data we looked at in particular was the ELA and Math Benchmark assessments. It showed our grade level, the school’s overall levels as well as our district. It was a very interesting look at this and helped me understand better how we use our assessments effectively and precisely.
Standard 1 1A: Teachers lead in their classrooms
So with my constant struggle to assert my authority in the classroom, I feel the end of this week was stronger than ever with classroom management. I still have a way to go, but I believe that the students are catching on to the fact I mean business.
Standard 2: Teacher creates a safe and loving environment for their students.
I am always mindful of student needs and want to always try and make them feel safe and appreciated. We gave my friend Garrett an opportunity to present his (solo) article about the Earth. He wrote an extra research paper (we wrote one together, and he made this ALL on his own time) and had been asking to present it for a few weeks. I was able to give him a 10 minute spot in our super busy schedule and he did GREAT! He has VERY low self esteem and he has been my sidekick since the beginning of school in August. I want to continue to show love to all of these little people because they are the reason I am doing this!
Standard 3: Teachers know the content they teach in the classroom
I have had a few “duh” moments when teaching so far and it is because I wasn’t “polished” like I should be. This is an area all teachers NEED to be aware of because you may go in thinking you know something, but it is still a good practice to take a crash course to refresh your knowledge and understanding to better serve your students and not look foolish. The way my brain is wired, I have to have a plan and points to hit or they could slip my mind. Teaching requires us to be on our A game because students WILL call you out.
Standard 4:B: Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students
And yet again, this week has really challenged me and made me aware of my shortcomings. I have worked diligently with my CE(s) this week to fix my weak areas and build a solid foundation within my lessons amongst other things. It has helped me to ask even more questions and to know what the RIGHT questions are to ask. Down time is a no no. Content needs to be relevant to the objective. Our students’ understanding is the bedrock of great teaching.
Standard 5: Teacher Reflect on their Practice
LOTS of reflection this week. LOTS to improve on! But I am getting there. I am really trying to improve many different aspects of my teaching skills and abilities. We ALL have it in us, or else we wouldn’t have come this far. My advice: Learn from your mistakes, don’t let them destroy you or your confidence, and don’t give up. Anything worth having in life is worth fighting for. YES, people will continually say, Teaching?? Really? And I will say YES REALLY! With a smile.
I just want to thank Dr. Parker for really being a great Supervisor. He has really made sure I am in a good place mentally and personally. Thanks for encouraging me and giving me the direction to move forward. For this next week, my goal and vow to myself is to take each day at a time, focus on one weak area (as quickly as possible) a day/week and build on the last one. By the end of student teaching, I plan to have built a SOLID foundation and structure to build on for years to come. All flash and no smash is no good!