Week Of Friday Feb 24th, 2017
Level of Difficulty: 6-7
I have observed a lot this week in terms of Students. Seeing how they learn, seeing what they understand and seeing what interests them. It really helps me drive the design of my lessons (which I am working on making them more interactive and interesting over the next few weeks.) I have also observed many recordings of my teaching from a year or two ago to now.
I have reflected a lot on my skills as a facilitator in the classroom as well as how I deliver content (tone, inflection, pace etc….) I have been mindful of these things that need to be changed and perfected and I believe this is how we become great at what we do as educators.
My focus for the week is consistency, proficiency and efficiency. I have tried to focus all of my attention on hitting every point that I wanted to and maintaining student engagement. Knowing how to juggle these things will help us grow in our abilities as well!
Be Productive
Lesson plans have been top priority. Staying ahead of the game has given me more time to think through the next day, spend time with my family and not crack under the pressure. I feel a HECK of a lot more productive this week.
Have Courage
Full disclosure, Monday morning, I was very unsure of myself for some reason. I was not sure why, but I just felt very incapable. I KNOW this is not true and after a good pep talk followed my focusing my heart on God and a very productive Monday, I had built that confidence for the week!
Begin Anew
Goals for this week: Continue to progress, continue to establish my leadership among our students and take ownership of my time as a teacher.
Many of the assessments from Math this week has helped me see what particular misconceptions students have about fractions. The tiniest little aspect of an explanation could help or hurt understanding. We have to be very mindful of our instruction for this reason.
New teachers: Stay ahead of the game. Learn how to make lessons meaningful but also effective. Some things may seem interesting for a lesson, but if you can not deliver the content in a way that is meaningful AND helping students understand fully WHAT the objective is, you may be spinning your wheels.
Standard 1 1A: Teachers lead in their classrooms
For this week this meant taking ownership of students, classroom duties and offering help even when not asked around the school (car duty! Yeah!!!)
Standard 2: Teacher creates a safe and loving environment for their students.
We have had a lot of student drama this week. Some physical scuffles and some just verbal. I have had to have a few heart to hearts with students. My friend who has autism in the class asked me how I control anger because he has issues with this. Giving him advice was such a joy to me and it is in these moments that I remember WHY I decided I wanted to be a teacher.
(And I played 4 square, basketball and catch on Friday) we have had to begin “recess patrol” to make sure everyone is “playing nice” because of our incidents this week. This really connected with me and the students. Many of the students who are not engaged in class or do not give any verbal feedback saw me in a different light. There were at least 9 kids gathered around wanting me to play ball or 4 square with them. I am interested to see how they are in the classroom on Monday. It may be a good start to really helping them want to learn instead of being a reluctant learner.
Standard 3: Teachers know the content they teach in the classroom
I continue to learn HOW to teach some of these standards. I know the content for myself, but learning how to convey that to a 9-10 year old is different and it goes SO fast. I have found some great resources for this.
Standard 4:B: Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students
I am still trying to learn how to differentiate in every area, so that has been a focus this week. Next week, I will begin to build in more of this. It seems to be lost in many classrooms and we can’t rely on resource teachers for everything right?
Standard 5: Teacher Reflect on their Practice
Always reflecting. This week it is how can I make my lessons more interactive and still retain the effectiveness of the purpose. (INTENTIONAL!)
Dr. Parker, thanks for continually being there for me and believing in me. I also appreciate you helping me to remain accountable and driving my progress. You really don’t have to take that extra step, but I am glad you have. It is really helpful!! :) I am continuing to grow at my school and they have assured me: “YOU ARE GOING TO WALK ON THAT STAGE!!!” So I have an ultimatum to continually inspire me and encourage me!
This sentence, "My focus for the week is consistency, proficiency and efficiency." is exactly where I want you to be right now. I agree that you made a lot of progress this week...now we just have to get consistent. Like all things new, it takes time to truly develop and hold to new habits. Keep on working as hard as you can.