Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Blog 9

Week Of Friday:  OCTOBER 10/27
Level of Difficulty: 4

This week, I feel like I am getting more of an understanding of using data, seeing student growth or misunderstandings in real time as well as how to handle each little detail of every lesson and every day. My students are still working very well for me, aside from a few who are always bickering. I am seeing what works best for me as well as the best ways I can serve my students. I am a big softie so this year I have learned it is ok to say no, not right now or drop it! Haha! My students are ok and so am I. Many times, it has been a relief because you may have those students who have repeat behavior that you may not want to deal with everyday. Many of my students are aware that I am in charge as much as my CE but they still think they may be able to get away with a little more. I have learned to be serious Mr. Abee but also silly Mr. Abee.  Students respond well when I am in joke mode, but I have to balance it so they are not thinking it is always play time.

I am contemplating what will happen and what I am getting into with the 4th grade class. It will be great, but I am coming to the realization more and more that I am going to be teaching VERY soon. No more “help” from my CE, no more unexpected occurrences that I typically don’t handle (those legal things that our CE handles or the emails we don’t know about.) I will be doing it ALL in full swing. I am thrilled but nervous.  I have a GREAT support team though so I know it will work out fine. The students I will work with are… do you say…...a  little salty? There are some MAJOR classroom management strategies that I will need to implement and that is my FIRST priority.  

I am also reflecting more and more on how to be a great leader, facilitator and planner for my classroom. My CE and I have really been trying to strategize each week and know exactly what students need during instruction as well as remediation. It has been a good week for this.

This coming week I will focus mainly on NC check in benchmarks.  Getting students ready for the test Wednesday and Thursday. I will also focus on completing my video and other portfolio components so I can get in the job ASAP!

Be Productive
Next Friday is a teacher workday, so we will get a lot of planning done hopefully for the next quarter for the 4th grade ELA block. I will also talk with the teacher who is leaving to get some ideas of how each student learns and what to expect. I plan to spend some time in the classroom as soon as I can to get to know them and to get them used to me being in there.

Have Courage
Have courage to continue on and to know that this is going to be great! Also to pass my tests that are coming up!!

Begin Anew
I am going to use Google forms this week to track data from students. If you haven’t tried this, I think it is a great tool. You can list the goals or questions for your students to reach and they can fill out the forms or you the teacher can. When you have it complete, you can download the Spreadsheet as your data.  Boom already done, no need to create the sheet or add the numbers.

See above! Also, I have been using Flipgrid and other assessment tools to really hone in on students understanding and pulling them throughout the week if they are still unclear.  My CE is teaching me how to know what to go over with them and how to track their process.

Student teachers need to be consistent and solid. It is a lot to remember, but when you are able to plan, track data, deliver great lessons and see what you need to tweak from day to day or student to student, it makes it easier on you and more effective for your class.

Standard 1 1A: Teachers lead in their classrooms
I will lead a short tutorial this week for School of Ed to show how Flipgrid is used and how easy it is to track data and excite kids for learning.

I am also continually building my community in the classroom and school: Working on the garden, making new friends in K-4th and helping other teachers within my school on projects and parent nights (and student council)  Everyone have a great week!!

Friday, October 20, 2017

Blog 8

Week Of Friday:  OCTOBER 10/20th
Level of Difficulty: 4

This week was a turning point for me….well is hopefully going to be a turning point. I got a job offer for 4th grade!! I will have to bust my butt to make sure everything is complete with my portfolio, resume is complete and ready and finish out my 10 weeks. I am pumped..but I still have to wait to hear from edTPA as well as results for our state tests.  This would be a great fit because I will work with my CE as my mentor still and we all have the same personality and teaching philosophy so that is a plus!  I also know some of the students as well as the School (policies, procedures, ideals). The Principal himself asked me Tuesday if I would be interested. So of COURSE I said yes! I was also moderated a Twitter Chat this week, had quarterly planning ALL day Wednesday and lead a Flipgrid station at our Technology night on Thursday. IT’s been a crazy week to say the least.

I am still feeling good about the classroom but I know I still have room to grow. I am continually critiquing myself, asking for feedback and seeing what works and what doesn’t. I have worked a lot on classroom management and making sure students are listening. I don’t like talking the whole time, but a lot of our lessons typically involve a lot of talking. This week we worked on the gradual release style lessons. You instruct one day, model the next and release on the next day. Students did pretty well with it.  Both blocks are different and each student in each group is different.

This next week I will focus on being precise, on pace, clear, and interesting/engaging. Using data to track progress and drive instruction. I see now which students need constant reminders to stay on task, which students always pull through and how students see or feel about different tasks. I think in order for our stations to be effective, students need to find them interesting and relatable. The content needs to be meaningful or what’s the point?

Be Productive
I plan on completing the majority of my portfolio, continue to think through the lessons and stay on top of my duties throughout the week (grading, checking homework etc….)

Have Courage
I need courage this week to hang in there, think positive and be thinking about the end goal.

Begin Anew
This week I will begin to think about moving into the lead teacher role professionally. What I want in my class, how I want my students to operate etc. If I get this job, I want to hit the ground running so I will start planning with the teacher, asking her: (Info, what are the students like? What ways do they learn best, what are your procedures with behavior etc…)
This week in MTSS we are still looking into one of our students. He is very smart, but he is ELL, ADD, and well, he has some learning interferences as I like to say. He can nail multiplication facts/but he can’t solve the standard algorithm. He knows prefixes, but he can’t remember them or what they mean. He is very forgetful, last one to get ready to switch classes, last one to get all of his materials out, last one to get his homework out. Takes 1 week to complete a 20 question quiz….the list goes on and on. He is THE sweetest most considerate student EVER! But we are totally stuck as to how we can help him. He has a twin, but he outscored him in many benchmark and mastery exams.  We are still figuring out how to help him.

Get as much done as you can as early as you can. You never know what job or opportunity will open up for you as a student teacher!

Standard 1 1A: Teachers lead in their classrooms
I was a leader in my school this week during my flipgrid demonstration. I explained this new tech tool to parents and how it is used. I think that everyone who came really liked it and were excited about it! It was a great opportunity to show parents and students the ways in which we use tech in the classroom. I hope the #flipgridfever will continue to spread in our class.

I have worked a lot on: Standard 2.2: Teachers encourage an environment that is inviting, respectful, supportive, inclusive, and flexible. Each student in my class needs something different. I have put out “fires”, made each student feel cared for and loved and I have seen the effects of this! Students who normally don’t respond are responding. All of these things are needed to run an effective and orderly classroom.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Week 6

Week Of Friday:  OCTOBER 10/6
Level of Difficulty: 4

What a great week! I had such a great time with my students and I learned more and more about how to be a better teacher. I spent most of the afternoons fretting over edTPA but we are almost over it!

There are still MANY things I can perfect as a teacher. I am still working on being a better speaker and instructor. I want to get away from the Lecture model of teaching and empower students to learn as they go by experiencing education.  It is proven that students retain more understanding by experiencing meaningful content. This will be something I will focus on in the coming weeks.

I will focus more on clear expectations and thorough planning. Students need structure and they need to be independent. IF we do everything for them they won’t learn. My students could do with a healthy dose of this type of learning.

Be Productive
EdTPA….nuff said!

Have Courage
To get through student teaching and come out a way better instructor and facilitator. I am learning so much from each of my CEs and I will continue to research ways to become a BETTER teacher. It’s a process.

Begin Anew
Leading all Guided reading groups.

iReady is continually our best friend right now. We have data dives about every week. We also have MTSS meetings every 2 weeks and we have been implementing different ways to improve our student’s well being and skill level. We have a student who is severely ADD and is also an ESL student. To be continued….

You can do it….don’t give up!!

I continue to build my skills as an educator. I have been learning the BEST way to prepare lessons and tasks for my students each week based on their learning styles and their understanding. I have also tried to improve on my assessment strategies and data to drive instruction and to help students get the most out of their day.  We will always be mitigating fights and arguments, so learning how to best do that has been a goal of mine. He said she said gets old sometimes.  :)

Week 7

Week Of Friday:  OCTOBER 13th
Level of Difficulty: 4

Wow.  First I observed I haven’t blogged in two weeks. Sorry everyone. I know you all have been waiting in anticipation. Well, this week has gone very well. I am getting more of a teacher voice and learning how to REMEMBER every part of the day and the week. I am getting better at pacing as well as going over my lessons throughout the week to make sure everyone is on the same track! I also observed that I can do this!

This week, I have reflected on the structure and flow of my lessons. Sometimes I learn the best order to use when teaching and directing students during the lesson...sometimes it is after the fact. But these little flubs help me to know HOW to do it better each time!

This week’s focus is getting and KEEPING student attention. My second lesson (after lunch) is rough sometimes. Students are like zombies so I am thinking of incorporating some GoNoodle or something. I hate when they are laying their head down while I am instructing. I am also going to add more interactive elements as well.

Be Productive
We have been working on Genius Hour projects this week. IF you don’t know, you should check it out. It is a chance for students to learn (become a “genius”) about something they are passionate about. It gives them a chance to teach themselves and others about their passions!

Have Courage
To continue to grow and get my tests BEHIND me. Also to continue to take each day at a time and do my BEST!

Begin Anew
I have started taking over Genius Hour block for my neighboring teacher. I have a free time during her Technology block so I volunteered to help her out.

We have been using iReady to continue to drive our remediation block as well as our weekly meetings with our groups during stations time. It seems overwhelming but I think it is working great!

It’s all worth it!

Standard 1 1A: Teachers lead in their classrooms
This coming week we are having a technology night to show parents and other teachers what we are doing in our classroom. I am showcasing and how I have used it in the classroom.  This is going to rule and I can’t wait.  It is a great assessment tool as well as a collaboration, vlog/expression tool.


I also have been leading my students during recess (Thursdays) in a garden study/work group. This has been great and the students LOVE it!!