Week Of Friday: OCTOBER 13th
Level of Difficulty: 4
Wow. First I observed I haven’t blogged in two weeks. Sorry everyone. I know you all have been waiting in anticipation. Well, this week has gone very well. I am getting more of a teacher voice and learning how to REMEMBER every part of the day and the week. I am getting better at pacing as well as going over my lessons throughout the week to make sure everyone is on the same track! I also observed that I can do this!
This week, I have reflected on the structure and flow of my lessons. Sometimes I learn the best order to use when teaching and directing students during the lesson...sometimes it is after the fact. But these little flubs help me to know HOW to do it better each time!
This week’s focus is getting and KEEPING student attention. My second lesson (after lunch) is rough sometimes. Students are like zombies so I am thinking of incorporating some GoNoodle or something. I hate when they are laying their head down while I am instructing. I am also going to add more interactive elements as well.
Be Productive
We have been working on Genius Hour projects this week. IF you don’t know, you should check it out. It is a chance for students to learn (become a “genius”) about something they are passionate about. It gives them a chance to teach themselves and others about their passions! https://www.geniushourguide.org/
Have Courage
To continue to grow and get my tests BEHIND me. Also to continue to take each day at a time and do my BEST!
Begin Anew
I have started taking over Genius Hour block for my neighboring teacher. I have a free time during her Technology block so I volunteered to help her out.
We have been using iReady to continue to drive our remediation block as well as our weekly meetings with our groups during stations time. It seems overwhelming but I think it is working great!
It’s all worth it!
Standard 1 1A: Teachers lead in their classrooms
This coming week we are having a technology night to show parents and other teachers what we are doing in our classroom. I am showcasing www.flipgrid.com and how I have used it in the classroom. This is going to rule and I can’t wait. It is a great assessment tool as well as a collaboration, vlog/expression tool.
I also have been leading my students during recess (Thursdays) in a garden study/work group. This has been great and the students LOVE it!!
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