Week Of Friday: OCTOBER 11/3
Level of Difficulty: 4
Observe: This week was pure craziness. First: It was Halloween on Tuesday of course. Second: It was Benchmark week (Wednesday and Thursday) Third: It was a half day Thursday (Double crazy with 3 parent conferences) and Fourth: Teacher workday on Friday! To say the least, I am not sure how we will get back on track Monday but I know we will. My students were awesome this week! Not too many behavior problems, they were great when Dr. Wesson came in….honestly, they are always great. I am so spoiled.
That is why if I get this job, I am going to have my hands full. The group in 4th grade, I have heard, struggle behaviorally and academically. So I am really not worried, but contemplating a strategy. Like I said though: I am spoiled!
Reflect: I had my first interview this week, my last observation and I am looking ahead to plan for full time status. First the interview. I honestly was not too nervous but still, I had that feeling like I wasn’t sure how it was going to go. I know everyone involved so that was a plus, I just didn’t want to be typical or scripted, which I wasn’t. They asked me things like: How will you handle the situation you are going to be in? (Behavior? Classroom Management? What is your style? How do you handle stress?) What is your style of management? Style of teaching? (Student led/PBL/Lecture, practice, independent practice etc….) How do you feel about technology in education? What is your philosophy on homework? These are the heavy hitters I remember. There were a few curveballs (I believe this is a tactic to see how the interviewee answers a question “off script” or how do we process information quickly on the spot). One was: Falcons or the Panthers? (I think because my teammate is a diehard Falcons fan!) Another was: What kind of crazy do you bring? The hardest one honestly was: What would you change about your current classroom? This was hard because my CE was in the interview. My answer: Nothing honestly. The only thing I would change is how I deliver my lessons. I love our class vibe, structure and schedule. My issue is how do I teach two different blocks the same content when one block is higher and understands/participates/gives feedback and the other group acts bored/disinterested/doesn’t understand. This is where I have really had to differentiate and make sure I work to reach each student. But time…..(every teacher’s struggle I know.)
So all things considered, I have contemplated what my strategy will be WHEN I get in the 4th grade classroom. Notice I said WHEN not IF. Haha!
Focus Focus has been getting portfolio finished and ready to present. I have 2 more weeks and I will be finished with my 10 week full time status!!
Be Productive Working with 4th grade to look over what the next 9 weeks looks like. I have also made sure to stay on top of my lesson planning etc...Also making sure I have enough content to add to my student teaching video.
Have Courage Courage to finish strong and get busy whenever I get hired. To continue to grow as an educator and how I instruct.
Begin Anew Hopefully a job.
Data We took benchmarks this week so we will see what students are understanding and what we need to work with them on over the next few weeks. Using iReady still to drive remediation and make sure students are getting what they need all around.
ADVICE Always be prepared, make sure you make a lasting impression as soon you start working with your school system. Go above and beyond and be willing to do extra things that no one else wants to.
Standard 1 1A: Teachers lead in their classrooms: I have been working to build independence in my students as much as possible. When they have a question, I ask them to see if they can figure it out or ask a teammate first. If they can’t figure it out together, then I will help them. Maybe not give them a direct answer, but I will lead them. I want them to develop those problem solving skills and to work as a team as much as possible.
Standard 2: I have a student who has a hard homelife and really has trouble making friends. He is a great kid but I think it is hard for him. He has 2 other boys that he likes to hang with so I try as much as possible to keep them together. He also comes to school with no snack so I keep a stash of snacks for him just in case. They are for anyone, but I bought them for him mostly.
Standard 4: Again, making sure each group has what they need academically has been a struggle because of the two very different blocks. I have had to be intentional in how I teach them both. It is very interesting to me in how to create content and how to teach in a way that supports each type of learner. In the future I will really focus on this a lot more.
This has been a great week and I appreciate my CE and Dr. Wesson for helping me, cheering me on and being there for me. Almost there!!!
ReplyDeleteI love reading your post every week! I am proud of all your growth and accomplishments. I love your student teacher advice. I think we are making more of a difference than we will ever realize. I am sure that your interview went way better than you think. Congrats! Hang in there-we are almost finished!