Week Of Friday: SEPTEMBER: 22
Level of Difficulty: 4
One thing I really tried to observe is how well I lead students through each lesson. One thing I have struggled with is pacing and sequence. I really need to develop more as an efficient and thorough facilitator. An example is the order in which I let the lesson unfold, how I decide to tweak the lesson depending on the response/understanding (are the students ready to try it independently or do they need more direct instruction?) or how I walk students through each segment of the lesson. This is an ongoing skill I am working on.
This wasn’t my strongest week at all. It just seemed off. I looked at all the video to see what the issue was. Part was behavior, part was my instruction methods and some of it was just confidence. I don’t know why. I have been really comfortable in the classroom. My goal for next week is to simply be better.
This next week, focus is going to be on Math EdTPA and developing lessons for guided reading.
Be Productive
Continue to progress, continue to be prepared each day, and continue to develop my craft!
Have Courage
Having courage to get through edTPA :)
Begin Anew
I will continue to work on management of students. I also am working on being a more effective instructor. I sometimes feel students are not following along or are lost. Sometimes that is because they are exhausted, sometimes they are just quiet (not when I want them to be though haha!!) I have explained to them that it is important for me to get feedback from them because if they are not answering or participating, I assume they understand. Plus I am trying to get them to work as a team. The more engaging the lesson though, they certainly participate more. I have also noticed if they are able to discuss as a group first, they are more likely to respond when I review with them.
We continue to learn more and more about our students! During our PLC meetings, we are using the data from iReady (a diagnostic software our district uses for Reading comp) to drive our remediation block. Now we can target SPECIFIC areas of weakness that students are having. We have developed groups and now we can create (and HAVE created) lessons to address these students during that block. This is so much better than throwing a dart at a dartboard and hoping whatever we use to teach will work. (not that we do that, but you know what I mean)
Know your content. Even if you already do, READ over your book or reading passages for that day, read over you notes, make a list of points to hit and know exactly what you are going to do. Our CEs are pros and they could do this with their eyes closed. We are still learning so every advantage we can take to make our instruction time better we need to.
Standard 1 1A: Teachers lead in their classrooms
This week I have started being more “in charge” when correcting students and directing them. 5th graders are still very dependent on direction, but they are able to become more independent throughout the year. You HAVE to be as consistent as you are with any age. You also have to follow through if you give them a consequence for their action. I am fortunate that I have some great students to work with, but I still have to let them know I am in charge JUST as much as my CE.
Standard 2: Teacher creates a safe and loving environment for their students.
Each week it seems I find that “one” student that needs an adult to take the time to listen. One of my favorites (they are all my favorites) explained her dog was dying and they had to put it to sleep yesterday. She ACTED like she needed help with her work. When I came over she started telling me about her dog. I took the 3 minutes out of what I was doing to listen and express my condolences. These little moments, TO ME are a huge part of why I wanted to become a teacher. OF course you have those students who complain about a snowflake hitting their hair, but they need that assurance as well that you care and that you will listen….just make sure it is not a distraction tactic. But it is still good to be cognisant of these situations.
Standard 3: Teachers know the content they teach in the classroom
I am constantly learning how to instruct better. Knowing different methods, strategies and techniques really helps. Knowing content is imperative to instruction. I have purchased a few books and read several blogs. It seems explaining the content in a way that is clear to students is the task at hand. We know the content but conveying is the difficult task but it is doable.
Standard 4:B: Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students
As we continue to use our iReady data, we continue to develop instruction that is effective and specific. For whole group, we continue to look at what the learning objective is and work the lessons around that. This is one thing I am very mindful of and something I REALLY want to get better at. Some veterans I work with have such a great handle on this and can manage this area with their eyes closed. I hope to reach that status one day.