Friday, January 13, 2017

WEEK 2 (Walkin In A Winter Wonderland)

Week Of Friday Jan. 13th, 2017
Level of Difficulty: 2 (just for figuring out schedules and routines)

Snow, Snow, and more Snow!  That is what I observed the first few days of this week.  I experienced what all teachers covet the most during the winter season….SNOW DAY!  Honestly, I had a great time hanging with my family and doing SOME work.  On the same note, I really wanted to get back in the classroom.  We didn’t go back until Thursday, so I was ready to go.

I am continuing to learn from all of my 4th grade teachers different methods and techniques.  This week, what is left of it, I am taking more of a leader role by transitioning students, working on “hallway control”, taking them from class to class etc…  I think the kids are getting a little TOO comfortable with me (meaning my authority is being tried a bit).  Again, something I am working on.

This was kind of a nice break, but I honestly was ready to get back.  I was able to work on some more of my portfolio however so that was a plus.  Another good thing from this break was working on lesson plans and participating in some Twitter chats to get information from my PLN.  Moving forward, I see the importance of having a backup plan in the winter as well as being flexible with your class schedule and routine.  We are in NC so you never know what the weather will bring in the winter.  
Each day we miss cuts into our long and short term goals.  This also shows us how important it is to be on top of things.  I have been in contact with my CE to develop any lessons/activities etc. for when we return to normal class time.  I will be starting to transition into lead teacher role next week.   

Be Productive
For this week, I plan to continue learning as much as I can about transitions and classroom management techniques. I need to start spending more time analyzing and planning future lesson ideas with my CE so that I can have an idea of how to plan and initiate those lessons in a productive and efficient way.   

Have Courage
This week, I had my first back talker.  I felt that I handled it well, but it was a rare thing for this particular student.  I have noticed him being a little more quick tempered and chatty.  The scene went like this: I asked them to line up in the hall to change classes.  As they were waiting in the hallway, they of course grew a little restless.  I used my management skills and in my teacher voice asked the students to get quiet.  My FRIEND said “we don’t have to listen, you’re not the teacher!”  Now, this was unexpected and I was shocked because this student is typically pretty good.  My response at the time was: “Mrs Redding and I are your teacher.  She may not be out here, but I am responsible for you right now friend.”  He was silenced after that, and I did say this in a calm but serious tone.  I later asked my CE what she thought about it.  I was advised to possibly pull him aside next time and ask why he said what he said.  Another thing was that we are going to establish that I am transitioning into the Teacher role so that way we can reinforce the fact that I am a teacher just as much as my CE.  So again, I am beginning to work more on my “teacher persona” and less on getting on everyone’s good side.  As they say, it is better to be respected than liked.

Begin Anew
This coming week, I am transitioning into more teaching.  I am creating a writer’s workshop to prepare students for a writing assessment.  We are doing a research project on the Bald Eagle and team writing it.  

I worked with my Math group on CFA assessments dealing with conversions using measurement.  (word problems)

  • I plan on using this data to help me in designing lessons and how I teach the information.  This data has shown me that we still have a lot of work to get the student ready for the future standards that we are going to have to teach them.  I have narrowed down a few students I would like to use for edTPA in the math portion.  

A great piece of advice this week is to be flexible.  Prepare for snow delays/closings, power outages, absent students, the list goes on.  If you are super stressed when things don’t go your way, learn how to manage your feelings and “reboot”.  Fortunately, I have had the experience of having my own kids and so I have learned to not sweat the small stuff.  The better you can deal with stress quickly, the easier it will be for you to work through these kinks during student teaching.  Always have a backup plan for anything that could happen.

Standard 1 1A: Teachers lead in their classrooms
This week was full of opportunity for me to lead in the transitions, lesson wrap ups and reviews.  I am continually learning what works and what doesn’t.  Sometimes it works and other times it doesn’t, so the more you know the better.  

Standard 2: Teacher creates a safe and loving environment for their students
The better you can “control” the craziness in and out of the classroom the better.  I find myself continually being the scales of justice in a few groups within my class.  “HE took MY pencil” “She is getting on my nerves” “He or She did this in the Hallway.”  It is important to develop fair decisions and outcomes in the classroom.

Standard 3: Teachers know the content they teach in the classroom
I was able to attend a Math seminar/PD on Fractions this week taught by a very awesome instructional coach from Randolph county.  The more I know about math as well as METHODS to teach the content the better.  I am continually asking folks online, my CE and consulting with many websites on great methods of all instruction.  Always learning!

Standard 4:B: Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students
This week, I was unable to plan anything for the two days we were here.  I have, however planned a writing assignment/lesson for next week.  

Standard 5: Teacher Reflect on their Practice
Confidence is building in my instruction and classroom management.  As I continue to develop this in my class, I plan to be more proficient by the end.  
For this weekend, I will be continuing to develop and complete my website.  I am currently researching my tech components for learning and my top resources to help students and parents to list on my site.  I am still developing and strengthening my PDP goals and will hopefully have that component finished in the next week.  I will continue to communicate with CE and Math Teacher to ensure I plan appropriately and to develop a plan for each class.  


  1. The snow days definitely threw things for a loop so I definitely understand what you are talking about, Ben! We went back on Wednesday so we had a shortened week, as well. It sounds to me like you handled the student who talked back quite well. This is when we are truly able to find our "teacher voice and look." I love your advice for this week. You are exactly right! You have to be extremely flexible because with this NC weather, you never know what to expect! Good luck next week!

  2. Mr. Abee,

    Again, excellent points this week! I want you to continue to work on closing the "authority loop" with the students before you assume full classroom control. Make an effort every day to build relationships to help with this. I saw where you had been contributing the #nced - - - awesome. Thank you for the strong connections to the NCTCS.

    As I have said before, I really appreciate your mindset with your placement. This attitude, which you discussed with being flexible, will take you far in this profession.

    I will see you next week.

  3. Ben,
    Great post! I can relate with almost everything that you have mentioned. Snow definitely switched things up a bit, but at least now we now what to when that happens and what to do with our lessons. It is very hard to see a student who does not usually act up, talk back to you, but I know you can handle stuff like that.

  4. Ben,

    I can relate so much to this post because my biggest lesson for this week was to be more flexible! This is more challenging for me than I thought it would be but it is hard when the responsibility to make sure you cover the standards falls on you and I just felt like I had so little time this week to cover it! I learned to stay calm and just roll with it though because you don't want to get your students in a panic! Your first back talker, oh goodness! I think you handled it well but I am with your CE on maybe pulling him to the side at some point. Keep us updated on how it goes and have a great week!
