Week Of Friday Jan. 6th, 2017
Level of Difficulty: 2 (just for figuring out schedules and routines)
This week was the first week back for faculty and students. It was not as chaotic as I had imagined it might be. I was welcomed quite well and learned a lot more about the classes routine and how each “full” week will generally flow. I was able to work on a few mini lesson plans as well as lead the class in multiple areas throughout the day. (ex: walking to specials, lunch room, bathroom breaks, recess, dismissal etc…) I have been trying to establish my presence more in the classroom as a lead role so that I can continue to build and develop rapport. I have two classes currently because our class is on a block schedule. This may change soon, but it is interesting the level of respect from one class to the next. The last class of the day seems to be more compliant and willing to work hard.
As always, my experience is continuing to grow and develop in classroom management as well as lesson delivery. I can see that my “teacher” voice is still needing some work. Although, all of the students I have worked with are very well behaved for the most part. I do have one student, whom I will continue to use as my focus student, that will need a little more of my “attention” throughout the day. We are developing a strategy to help me as well as help him. He is very intelligent and sweet, but he is also very strong willed and excitable. Give him an inch….and well, you know.
Also, today (Friday) I tried to play a game with my students to just get their minds off work and enjoy theirself. Well….it didn’t go very well….at all. This was totally my bad and I certainly learned from it. It was a TEAM based game, but everyone was unsure of the procedures, even though I did go over it with them. I have some SUPER competitive students so I had to be on the ball with points and rules. I will have another plan next time. I had to control the group because they were bouncing off the walls and not focusing or listening to me. I gave them two warnings and on the last one, I stopped the game and directed them back to their seats and asked them to put their head down. My CE said I did the right thing and gave some pointers on how to do it better.
My short and long term goals are still in alignment as far as I can tell. I am continually moving back and forth between where I am and where I want to be, but I feel confident up to this point. I still have a few things to develop to get there, but my CE has coached me very well so far and I know that my planning, behavior skills and other areas will start flowing a lot more.
Be Productive
Next week, I could focus more on developing lessons for one portion of the day. I mainly observed this week, but I did get some time leading groups, teaching mini lessons and directing transitions. Now that I am getting more in tune with the schedule and what to do it is easier to figure out what I can prepare for. Also, considering my CE already has things planned, I have just asked her what she needs me to do or prepare for.
Have Courage
I think it is hard for me to assert my authority without being Mr. Nice teacher. I know there is a way to be both “stern” and friendly. I can tell how students could get confused if you are always joking and being silly with them at first. They need to know you are the teacher/leader and that you are to be respected and that they will also be respected. But sometimes, they just need to know when joking/laughing/playing is appropriate and when it is not. I want them to have a great experience with school, but also develop that respect element and knowledge that sometimes their behavior is unacceptable. Again, that is why classroom management is one of my PDP goals this semester.
Begin Anew
For next week, my next step is to develop a writing lesson for my ELA students. We are going to do a research project/writing project on the Bald Eagle. I am moving closer to full time teaching so I want to start learning how to plan for each day so that I will be ready when I take over in the classroom. Next week, I will also work on developing that teacher voice, being more confident, developing strategies to engage students and to help cue them for transitions and when I need their attention.
My students ended this week doing a Benchmark Assessment. I have been looking at their past test scores and current evaluations to help assist me in making their lesson and Unit plans effective. I will continue to work closely to my CE to get a better grasp on how to move forward and for full time student teaching.
For upcoming Student teachers, one piece of advice is understand and PRACTICE classroom management as much as you can. This is crucial to you being able to 1. Keep your sanity and 2. Be able to deliver your lesson/content effectively. If you are not sure how to do this, there are several resources out there. My favorite is www.smartclassroommanagement.com it is full of great advice. Mostly however, experience is the BEST teacher.
Standard 1 1A: Teachers lead in their classrooms
- Worked on developing my teacher voice
- Reinforcing expectations behaviorally in the class, for outside of the class, and for outside on the playground.
Standard 2: Teacher creates a safe and loving environment for their students.
- Explained to students the importance of paying attention, keeping hands to their self and respecting one another.
Standard 3: Teachers know the content they teach in the classroom
- Read a lot about the Lost Colony to brush up on the facts.
- Reviewed lesson plans that were going to be taught so that I could deliver them effectively and plan appropriately for each learner.
Standard 4:B: Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students
- Worked with CE on lessons that were taught this week.
- Asking her advice on how to transition
- Getting to know the schedule to plan for appropriate time structures.
Standard 5: Teacher Reflect on their Practice
- Worked with CE on my weak points
- Implemented some new strategies for classroom management.
- Developing a writing assignment for new week so learning how to differentiate that lesson.
Tasks for this weekend are to get my website established. I am trying to knock out a section at a time for my Portfolio. I have established my PDP goals and will begin working toward getting those locked down by next week.
I don’t think there is anything to provide my CE this week at this time and I don’t need anything that I can think of. I know things are crazy right now.
ReplyDeleteThanks for a great blog post this week! I appreciate how you clearly communicated how your first week of student teaching was. Your teacher voice, especially the balance of "Mr. Nice Guy" will continue to change. Remember, be consistent and fair with classroom management. Remember to follow-through on your instruction so your students will respect your authority.
Now that you have seen benchmark scores, how will you change your instruction to better meet the needs of your students?
Again, I appreciate your patience and professionalism as we work through the placement logistics. I truly appreciate how you are approaching the situation.
One week down! Enjoy your weekend.
Ben! I am so glad to hear you had a great week, I am definitely taking notes from you this semester! You just seem to handle things and roll with the punches way better than I do and I am learning that is something you just have to do in teaching- things don't always go as planned and that's okay! I am learning and I am learning from you!
ReplyDeleteIt's good you are practicing being stern, sometimes you just really have to be. I have learned it is much more important to be respected by your students than it is to be liked by your students. Respect goes a lot further and means a lot more! It does not mean you cannot be nice but you just can't be too nice! it sounds like you are learning that too!
I am glad you had a great week, let me know if you need anything!
Hey Ben!
ReplyDeleteLike Skylar, I am glad to see that you are doing well! And also like her, I agree that you seem to deal with change well. I would love to be able to have that skill set. Any advice?
It's great that you are able to use the data in your classroom the way that you are. Hopefully this will be something that you can continue to show progress in.
Great post Ben!
Hey Sam, I meant to reply earlier. I would say having kids myself has REALLY helped me deal with change in many different ways. It is definitely not something I was born with! I try not to let little things bother me but I am a rebel at heart, so if it is not something I agree with that I am asked to change or do, it is kind of hard still. BUT, sometimes being willing to do so can open up a whole new path or way of looking at things.
DeleteI have been wondering how things were going with you since 250. I'll be glad to finally get to teaching full time in the next week or so.